You know, I have an SLR, and I have Photoshop Elements but I am still a beginner, I don't understand how to shoot in manual, and I haven't been able to play with Photoshop enough to do much more than click on "auto-correct" and then roll my eyes at what the computer thinks is now a well edited photo. I can crop a little and take the red-eye out most of the time, and on a good day I can take the scratches or drool off my sons face, but holy cow was this night and day! I am so grateful for this opportunitity and to be able to have it done with a friend I have known since high school made it even more special for me! Stacey approached my son with a "mom" spirity, getting on the floor and playing with him to put him at ease and bring out the biggest smiles anyone has ever been able to capture on camera of our little one. Seriously, we are talking about a child who knows to LOOK everytime he hear the pre-flash on my cell phone camera beep, and I have never captured looks like these before!
Take a look at the Christmas card I made, and then check out for more information and to book your own session! She did mention that she hasn't had a price increase in quite a few years so the prices will rise slightly as of January 1, 2013. Eother way, book now!!!!!
You can also find her fan page of Facebook....I can't believe I didn't have Stacey do my wedding pictures.....what was I thinking???????
Stationery card
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